
"Zero Day" Minimalist Survival Kit ZDSK

Created by Landon Monte

Zero Day Survival Kit is a small, lightweight, minimalist survival kit to house core necessities for survival in worst case scenarios.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

I've lost count of how many updates there are ;p
about 8 years ago – Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 08:44:14 PM

Hi ZDSK Fam!

So it's been a week since the last update, not really much info to put out.
Still working with the Ano Shop to resolve the replacement issue, as soon as I find out more I'll post it to you all. I spoke with the Machine Shop about the kits and started working to build a plan moving forward. Their workload right now is higher than the last time the ZDSKs were machined but the owner indicated he was willing and capable of "side-lining" other work pieces to get our survival kits back on the machines fast and remade. All tooling and precision coding is currently being moved back onto the production floor so when the issue is resolved through the Ano shop the replacement survival kits will have top priority. I will be linking up with the production manager to review all of the coding in hopes of finding anything in the production process that can be stream-lined or done in tandem with other processes leading to higher efficiency and faster turnaround time. Just like before I will ensure the highest quality standards are met, the difference this time around will be also focusing on making up for lost time.

One issue I did think of since last week's update is the shipping addresses on the surveys through Backerkit. While the new survival kits are being machined I will re-open the surveys to allow for any change of address information. At the suggestion of a few backers (and honestly I should have had this done anyways) I will work towards getting any add-on stuff to the survival kits or replacement consumable parts (Spare O-Rings, Spare Storage Vials, Extra Spools etc) added onto the backerkit surveys.

Hopefully next week's update has more information, I really don't like not having answers and a solid plan for you all. Thank you for your patience and understanding,


Not really an "update" per-say.. lol
about 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 11:12:47 PM

Hey ZDSK Fam,

I know I just put out an update the day before yesterday, but I want to make sure I keep to the weekly updates (seems you all really enjoy them :) First and foremost I want to say a HUGE "Thank you" for all of the comments of support and understanding, it has been uplifting and is pulling me out of the slump I fell into. I also learned something very valuable out of this...understanding. ((Sappy emotions alert!!))

I took a little down time today after class to think through the issue in front of me and realized this is an opportunity for growth. I need to pass forward the positivety you all have been so gracious to give me. Ive been so focused on making sure I did right for you guys and fought (at times too aggressively) to make something I could proudly send you, that I didn't stop to think about the other side in this. I guess what I'm getting at is, just like you all did with me every step of the way, through the ups and downs... You understood my mistakes and celebrated our accomplishments... and I should be doing the same. I lost my composure with the anodizing shop in Monday's update, instead of understanding that sometimes crappy things just happen. To be honest, Ive been talking with the owner since Monday and really am getting the feeling that they are sincerely concerned and that they will fight to make sure we are all completely happy and satisfied. It's a long standing American business with people just like you and I. They've made their name off of quality and customer satisfaction, that's why I chose them for this project. I know that they don't want their name associated with anything less than the absolute best quality, I mean who would lol. So yeah, I need to be more understanding, calm down a bit, and give them a chance to show what they REALLY are instead of focusing on negative. I'm hopeful that when it's all said and done, we will all be pleasantly impressed.

We all know that Monday was a remarkably rough day as far as the ZDSK project is concerned... and there are still a lot of questions. How long is the process for the insurance claim? How long will it take to get the replacement survival kits machined? What happens if this doesn't get resolved to the quality you all deserve? What are the lessons to be learned from this and how will this affect positive growth? ....well ok lol, the last question was mine but still.. As I find out, I promise you, just as I have in the past, I will make sure you all know.... and I will probably use too many words and bore you all ;p

In the comments from Monday and yesterday, there were some questions that I do have answers to so here goes:

Questions regarding the availability of the messed up kits: I am only about 90% through the grey kits, but unfortunately I haven't found any yet that have been structurally "passable". I am in the process of coming up with creative solutions to using the scrap parts. I'm not sure what happens to the broken/scrap parts (is it like an Auto Insurance claim? O_o ) but in the event I'm allowed to keep them I will figure out uses for them and pass them on to you all. I was thinking the endcaps with the flat tool (key loop looking thing) could be used as handles for a field expedient wire-saw for survival applications.. Im hopeful I can think of other things as well, maybe that can be a silver lining to this cloud :D

The other question was if/how this affects the Titanium models. This does NOT affect the Titanium models at all. Those are still getting shipped out, honestly I got a little backed up with the Ano incident, but I will get right back on track and get them shipped. If you ordered the Ti model AND got the Glow in the Dark trenching, they will take a little extra time while I mask off and then add the Glow Epoxy. Each trench is done individually so it has time to properly set, then dry, then the next trench is done.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, ideas... anything.. Just let me know. We're in overtime now... And I feel now more than ever I NEED to show you I am right here for you. Even if you want to just call up and do your best impersonation of a Neanderthal using an Apple product for the first time (570)762-9886... ;p Seriously though, no matter if I do another KS project or not (Im doing a lot of personal deliberation on this), you will still have my full focus and undivided attention.

Thanks for everything ZDSK Fam!!


I have quite possibly the worst luck ever...
about 8 years ago – Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:49:22 PM

Well ZDSK fam,

I just got back from the anodizing shop a bit ago.. and it's not good news. Last week I ran into a major issue with the anodizing shop, the finish on the survival kits were not the quality I wanted. The shop had assured me that they would get it fixed and after talking with the boss Thursday, I was hopeful it could be fixed and brought up to the high quality they had assured me. Friday I was told I could come pick up the survival kits today...

Ill get right down to the bad news. Not only is the finish terrible but the anodizing process actually started to eat through the survival kit main bodies rendering a strong majority of them utterly useless. On top of that, the "gunmetal grey" is more a bronze-ish with a splotchy mix of "foliage green" and matte silver. I spoke with the shop owner and basically she was saying that the material type was too difficult to Hardcoat Anodize. After a lengthy game of "who's to blame", the anodizing shop ceded that since only the gunmetal grey anodizing ate through the metal and NOT the black, that it was in fact the anodizing shops error and not the machine shop's. In their defense, 2024 Aluminum does have a significantly higher difficulty of HC Anodizing, but they assured me from the beginning that they were more than capable of good results. The bad finish aside, the anodizing deteriorated some of the metal significantly more than "average anodizing processes".

But that leaves the question "WELL HOW THE FRIG DOES THIS GET FIXED!" (Ive deleted the expletives, honestly I have used waaaay too many today)  One of the benefits to working with a 3rd generation American family small business with alot of history is that they actually care about the customer... and more importantly, they're insured. After the initial bickering of the "who's to blame" game, the owner pitched a solution, and honestly I dont really see any other options..

So here's the initial plan moving forward: I will be going through each and every single piece of each and every kit and any that are deadlined due to structural issues (metal deterioration) will be scrapped and claimed through the Anodizing shop's insurance. There were no observed structural issues with the Black anodized kits, but they did have significant finish blemishes. The gunmetal grey, I am guess-timating that roughly 75% have metal deterioration/structural issues but I will know more once I go through every piece. Once I have a clear count of damages, the Anodizing shop will file a claim through their business insurance. Once the claim is processed and approved, a settlement will be reached which will go directly to the machine shop to immediately machine replacement survival kits.... Basically, we're right back where we started BUT all tooling is still at the machine shop and they now have all the machining steps fine-tuned so Im hoping that it is a much faster process. I am also getting samples of 6061 Aluminum hardcoat anodized, since it is significantly easier to anodize this will be the metal that all replacement survival kits are machined from.

I think it goes without saying, but unless a miracle comes along in the next few days, I wont be able to ship on time. Long story short, there are now a million new questions that I have to find out answers to. I will be logging a lot of hours with the anodizing shop and letting you know every step of the way. You all have been very quiet and patient this whole project, now more than ever I really need to hear all of your thoughts, good and bad, just throw it out there. This is my first Kickstarter project, and to have a catastrophic bad luck bomb like this, I am kind of just rolling with the punches at this point. In my head I had everything planned perfectly, shipping all this week and then my next KS project was going to start on March 15th. I already have some prototypes of it to boot :( The entire next project was going to be with the hope of raising enough money to buy my own CNC machine so I could start making everything myself. That would open up all the R&D into the extra accessories and add-ons for the survival kits, bring down costs, and ensure quality... I feel like now though it would be wrong to you all.. I would really like to know your thoughts, to know if you think it would be wrong to still move forward on a second KS project while also getting this project fixed and finished? Or am I just over-terrified of upsetting you guys?  Like Ive said before, Hell or High-Water, I will get this project done and it will be the best damn survival kit you've ever had... but all that matters to me right now is what you think...

Below is alot of pictures to give you a better idea of what happened.

 Overview picture of all of the survival kits 100 total.

Fire Piston rods, all of them have discoloration.

The spool holders seem to have the least amount of finish blemishes. However these were done is how ALL the parts should have been done.

The end caps with flat tool. Every one of them has discoloration from what appears to be the anodizing solution not being dried off after the caps were submerged. The flash on my camera is on for this picture to highlight the splotches.

The flat end caps have spots where the dye did not soak into the anodizing layer. Also you can see lack of color continuity between different caps. Some look kind of bronze, others look subdued silver.

 Close up of the splotchy "puddles" on the end caps.

In this picture you can see the color difference between the top of the survival kits and the one turned over onto the bottom.. Also take note to the threading edges as most of them are broken from the anodizing deteriorating the metal.

Close up of where metal deteriorated away during the anodizing. Also note the color looks like hammered horse manure.

Another close up of the metal that got eaten away from the anodizing.

This is the visual representation of bad luck.

 "Gunmetal grey" spools showing splotchy and freckled finish.

None of the black anodized survival kits have any noticeable metal deterioration. The finish is crud but the kits are structurally sound.

That's not dust or particles.. those are tiny speckles and spots from the dye not properly soaking into the anodizing layer.

 Here you can see just how many of the "gunmetal grey" kits got messed up.

The pillbox caps have spots that weren't even dyed... I assume that's from the anodizing shop hanging them.

Close up of some of the speckles and spot on the spools for the black kits.

I have more pictures but I think you get the idea.


4th down, 32 seconds on the clock.. down by 3..
about 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 03:12:36 PM

Hey ZDSK Fam,

So by now some of the Titanium backers should be getting emails from USPS with your tracking numbers. This is only a few of the Ti backers so don't be alarmed if you haven't gotten your email yet. All US shipping is going out via USPS Priority mail with tracking and insurance, but please give the system a little time to update properly with your tracking info.

I was supposed to get the Aluminum models back today from the anodizing house, but hit another snag. I chose Titanium Finishing Co. (the anodizing shop) due to it's 45 years of experience in the aero/space industry and their expertise... While I was assured that everything would go without any complications, one happened anyways. I spoke with the owner of the business this morning to confirm everything was done and ready, and that's when she decided to tell me there was an issue with the anodizing.. and im not gonna lie... I absolutely lost my mind. Reamed her a new one as she was specifically the one that promised ALL parts would be DONE today and as perfect finishes as we could get.

She informed me that the anodizing "pre-dye" finish came out "chalky" and "blotchy", this was about the time I regained myself and started asking about solutions. Long story short the aluminum models are going back through the process until the finish is acceptable. I honestly have no idea how this will affect the shipping timeline. As of about 20 minutes ago she was discussing with her production dept and then calling me tomorrow morning with an exact plan moving forward. I strongly hope for their sake that this gets resolved lightning fast, I am not a fan of being lied to or having someone falsely build up my hopes.

In the meantime I will continue to get the Titanium models shipped out and on their way to their new homes. I will also post a much more comprehensive update as soon as I have actionable information from the anodizing shop. I will probably also take up drinking lol, my nerves are through the roof right now. I am infuriated that literally everything the anodizing shop said was completely wrong. It is absolutely heartbreaking to be soooo close to the finish line and then get blindsided like this. As the title says.. 4th down, 32 seconds on the clock and im down by 3... so im just going to put my head down, drive on, and get it in!

Hope your week is going better than mine ZDSK Fam,


Where do I get that "finish line" tape from marathons? lol
about 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 09:58:01 PM

Hey ZDSK Fam!!

So before I get into this week's project update, I wanted to give a brief update regarding last week's update about the prior week's update..... That was difficult to write, so I really hope it made sense lol. If you're not really concerned about an explanation regarding a missed weekly update you can skip to the first paragraph after the image.

Remember 2 weeks ago when I didn't post an update? and then last week I was really upset about it? Turns out Kickstarter was having an issue with updates not correctly posting. Last week when I realized the prior update didn't post I re-posted it... there were actually 2 updates last week.. but only one shows... I took a screenshot of my receipt email from Kickstarter. Honestly it seems at this point that I am the only one upset about the update issue, which means you all believe in me and have faith I'm getting the job done :)

So now onto this week's actual project update!

Survey's were closed as of 12:01 last Saturday morning, all of the order information has been reviewed. All of the parts for all of the survival kits are on hand and in my "shipping room" lol. I have started to package up some of the Titanium models. Monday was spent at the Anodizing Shop re-confirming all of the project critical information for the Aluminum Zero Day Survival Kits. I am adding one more process into the anodizing phase, Acid Etching. Basically it's an advanced version of scrubbing the aluminum to ensure the highest quality finish on the survival kits. This will add a day or two to the anodizing phase but I would much rather lose 2 days instead of run the small risk of possible cosmetic quality issues. This should mean I will pick up the Aluminum kits on Wednesday just in time for next week's update!

Regarding surveys: There were 17 backers who did not fill out their surveys... Honestly I have no idea how to remedy this. I spoke to several other Kickstarter Creators and all of them assured me it is normal; email addresses change, people move, vacation, etc. If you were one of those backers who did not fill out a survey please contact me and I will get it resolved.

Website update: I am inputting the information and messages from backers onto a database for my website guy to put onto the site. As soon as it goes live I will post an extra update to let you all know! Hope you all had fun with the "add a message"  :)

I am starting to see more and more of you on my Instagram and I LOVE IT!! I have been posting pictures of my custom anodizing on my feed. Also, right now I am doing a small giveaway!! Hop on Instagram and search ZeroDaySurvival and follow me! As soon as shipping is complete for all the KS backers I will be doing a large giveaway of one of the survival kits as well as a bunch of other stuff from other creators I am collaborating with!!! We're talking lots of goodies ;)

Well that's pretty much this weeks update.... not too many more of these... for THIS project anyways ;D I might be jumping the gun a little but I've been working on the campaign for my next kickstarter project... and I really hope I see all of you there too!!

Have a wonderful rest of your week ZDSK Fam! As always, if you need anything just let me know,
