
"Zero Day" Minimalist Survival Kit ZDSK

Created by Landon Monte

Zero Day Survival Kit is a small, lightweight, minimalist survival kit to house core necessities for survival in worst case scenarios.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What a difference a day makes =)
over 8 years ago – Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 03:52:44 PM

Yesterday at this time I was on my third read-through of my campaign trying to make sure all my "I"s where dotted and "T"s where crossed.. My nerves through the roof, anxious and quite honestly scared. Today, not even a full 24 hours later, I have 20 amazing backers and new members of my family. Thank you all so much, I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you. I have a lot of work to do to keep this spreading to all the right people so we can get fully funded and get high quality survival kits to you all. If you have an extra minute to spare, please feel free to spread the word to all your friends. Thank you again, you all are amazing =)


Buffy, squeaky hamsters, and a camera much smarter than me....
over 8 years ago – Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:15:29 AM

There is a new video demonstration of the fire piston... Please excuse the quality, I'm a little embarrassed of it but in all good conscience I know I needed to get something posted while I try to figure out my girlfriend's fancy camera. Thank you Mamojo for the link and info! I'm working on "power learning" this camera in hopes of bringing you all a video I can be proud of.

In the spirit of "focusing" on the positive ((pun fully intended ;) there are some things about the video that I am happy with. One of the many criteria I had for a satisfactory video is that it visually demonstrated the fire piston use in one continuous shot, no editing. As you can tell by the background noise of an episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" courtesy of my lovely better half, there is sound... This video was one of numerous from a roughly 4 hour session of attempting to get the camera to focus where I needed, instead of on tiny dust particles suspended in different depths of field. After the first 45 minutes, my voice sounded absolutely horrendous... Imagine a hamster squeaking from under a wet sweater and it still would sound better than I did. Needless to say, I didn't do a voice over in the video.

As many of you have probably figured out by now, I tend to write in detail...a lot of detail..... My plan is to do a write-up to coincide with my actions in the video, but I am curious to hear if this is something you all would be interested in? Or should I maintain my "focus" (lol) on making a better quality video demonstration? The choice is yours, whatever keeps you all happy =)

Thanks for everything!!!


A giant THANK YOU!!!
over 8 years ago – Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 08:48:12 PM

So first and foremost, I am amazed and humbled by all of the support... Words don't do justice to how blessed I feel! It is an amazing feeling to be this close to bringing a dream to life. Thank you for your faith and trust in both myself and the survival kit! As of the time I post this update we have 82 backers and members of the ZDSK family!!! Thank you to everyone!

A special "Thank you" to Brent Garcia for including the Zero Day Survival Kit in his most recent project update! For those of you unfamiliar with Brent, he is the creator of several kickstarter projects, I had the good fortune of being able to be part of his Gravity Hook project ( if you missed it here's a link to his site

Now onto updates of the ZDSK project. I am addressing a few requests for a video demonstration of the fire piston, but Audio/Video is not my area of expertise. I spent about 4 hours yesterday (07Sep2015) getting some video footage. My hope is that I can edit together one functional video, but I have asked a few friends for their help in putting this together. Im hoping I can get this to you all soon.

I have also received a few requests for a pledge level for extra storage vials. My idea is to use the "$3 reward tier" and adjust that to be the pledge for extra storage vials. Let me know what you all think and ill get it added.

It may be a little too early to start thinking about Stretch Goals, or it may be positive thinking, but I would love to hear what you would want as possible stretch goals =) One possibility is an adapter for the threaded end of the fire piston rod that would secure a #11 Hobby Knife Blade. This would give a small blade and handle for little things such as cutting paracord or filleting a fish, but it would fit neatly into the survival kit. Another idea I would like feedback on is doing a warranty once we get to a certain level of funding. My intent with this project is to create a high quality product that will be there whenever you need it and for a long time. I miss the days when things were made with quality and pride, and they lasted!

So tell me what you all think =) I want to hear what YOU want.

In the meantime, spread the word about the Zero Day Survival Kit! We're already very close to funded and stretch goals would be so much fun!! THANK YOU!!! =D 
